An overview of our application requirements for Work Experience, Job Role Live Virtual Event, Tours and Experience Medicine. You should also attend this session to find out the Next Steps, if you have been approved for one of our programmes.
The induction is for students that have been approved by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHSFT for placement and those officially on the waiting list.
Students are the workforce of the future and should be encouraged to have an introduction to the world of work in a safe and appropriate environment. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust offers a limited amount of placements to students Years 10-13 who live and attend school/college within the city of Sheffield.
Tours Available Laboratory Medicine (LABs): Students will spend the day in our LABs and be given a tour by professionals in areas such as Haematology, Clinical Chemistry, Histopathology, Blood Sciences, Bacteriology, Immunology, Toxicology Laboratory Medicine Taster: Students will spend the morning in some of the areas listed above Facilities & Estates: Students will spend time visiting areas in Estates, such as Mechanical Engineering, Joinery, Electrician and in Facilities, visiting, areas such as Catering, Security, Porters and Domestics
Ever considered a career within the NHS? Why not take a closer look at some of our patient facing and non-patient facing roles? There may be one for you!!! Each student may choose up to 3 live virtual professional role events. Plus, any number of the STH recruitment support events.
This programme costs £75.00 per student. Please check with your Parent/Teacher before applying. Experience medicine introduces young people to the role of the hospital doctor. They will gain insight into the responsibilities and work ethic required and undertake practical activities, using teamwork and problem-solving skills.
This is a one day programme for students that are interested in a career within Dental Services, such as Dentist, Dental Nurse, Dental Technician, Dental Hygienist, Dental Therapist.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHSFT is working in partnership with The Sheffield College to deliver the workplace learning requirement of the T Level qualification. Industry placements will consist of a minimum of 315 hours between 2024/25. This event is for students that are undertaking the T Level course at Sheffield College only.